Why Hitex Healthcare Surgical Drapes?
Hitex Healthcare surgical drapes safely protect patients as well as surgical team by minimizing the risk of infection transmission during surgery. Apart from basic types and sizes of drapes, we produce sophisticated surgical drapes for all kinds of surgeries. The design of drapes combines functional materials and integrated fixable accessories. Drapes intended for surgeries of higher fluid occurrence are equipped with fluid collection pouches. Due to this, each drape has necessary qualities required for a particular surgery.
Orthopaedic Drapes
Under construction
Knee O Drape
Bilateral Drape
Hip U Drape
Extremity Drape
Shoulder Arthroscopy Drape
Knee Arthroscopy Drape
Neurology Drapes
Craniotomy Drape
Spine Drape
Urology Drapes
TURP Drape
PCNL Drape
Cardiology Drapes
Angiography - Femoral Drape
Angiography - Radial Drape
Cardiothoracic Drape
General Surgery Drapes
Lap Drape
Combined Lap Drape
Multipurpose Drape
Gynaecology Drapes
Under Buttock Drape
Caeserotomy Drape
Gynaecology Drape